Relocating? Things to consider about Ryan White services when you move.
Although the Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program is funded by the federal government, you cannot simply transfer your services from state to state when you move.
Each program sets its own criteria and guidelines for eligibility, so you need to reapply in your new state of residence.
Even though the federal government establishes basic guidelines for eligibility in the program, each Ryan White program differs in the benefits and services they provide.
To ensure a smooth transition in your health care, keep the following in mind before you go:
PLAN AHEAD Plan ahead as Ryan White providers may have waiting lists. Many people underestimate the amount of time that’s necessary to apply and receive services from providers. If you try to catch up after you move, you may actually risk not seeing a doctor or not getting your meds for a period of time.
Get in touch with a local AIDS service organization in the new city, area or state. Speak with a knowledgeable benefits case manager who knows what programs are available to you. See if you can handle some of the work over the phone before you get there. Otherwise, schedule an appointment ahead of time. See the Ryan White Providers section for more information on the providers and services available in the Sacramento Transitional Grant Area.
Know and document your current health benefits. This is important because many state programs differ and may not offer the same coverage. You’ll need to know what you have now, including your eligibility requirements. This way, you or your case manager can compare what you currently have to what’s available in your new state of residence.
Whenever possible, get a 3-6 month supply of your current meds before you move to cover you in case of a lapse in coverage. Hopefully your transition will be smooth, but an adequate supply of medications will make any lapses easier to handle.
Ryan White Medical Services
If you currently see your doctor at a Ryan White clinic, check to see:
if you are eligible in your new state, and
if any of the local clinics are taking new patients and/or have waiting lists.
Other types of Ryan White support services, like HIV treatment adherence or substance abuse services, may or may not be available to you after you move. Check ahead of time to see what is offered.
The Ryan White medical provider in the Sacramento TGA is One Community Health. They can be reached by calling 916-443-3299.
ADAP (AIDS Drug Assistance Program)
If you currently receive your prescriptions through your state ADAP, check ahead to see if you are eligible for ADAP, what the eligibility requirements are, and if there is a waiting list in your new state.
To enroll in ADAP in the Sacramento region, you may contact one of the following organizations:
In Sacramento: One Community Health 916-443-3299 Gender Health Center 916-455-2391 Sunburst Projects 916-440-0889 Kaiser Permanente Patients Only: Kaiser Permanente South Sacramento 916-688-2389 Kaiser Permanente (Morse Ave) 916-973-6910
El Dorado County: Sierra Foothills AIDS Foundation 530-622-1923
Placer County: Sierra Foothills AIDS Foundation 530-889-2437
Yolo County: CommuniCare Health Center916-403-2990 x1710